Movie mogul Tyler Perry and Beyonce's publicist Yvette Noel-Schure have joined forces, and are offering a $100,000 reward to anyone who may have information on the death of Josiah "Jonty" Robinson, who was reportedly murdered for being gay in Grenada.
via: Caribbean Loop News

Jonty, 24, of Beaulieu, St George was found dead on BBC beach on June 18, 2023.
Noel-Schure, who was born and raised in Grenada has said Jonty was like a son to her and was among the mourners at his funeral. Jonty was a singer, songwriter, actor and model.
Tyler Perry shared his intentions with his over 7 million Instagram followers as well as on Facebook with his 15 million followers today stating in a post that “A few days ago I got an extremely heartbreaking phone call from my friend, Yvette Noel-Schure. Through her tears and grief she was telling me that in her home country of Grenada, a young man that was like a son to her was murdered.”
Another part of the post read: “So with that said, Yvette and I are offering a $100,000 dollar reward to anyone who brings forth information that leads to the conviction of the murderer of Josiah “Jonty” Robinson. Please pray for his mother and Yvette and all of those that loved him, as well as every family who has been impacted by senseless violence.
Anyone with any information can call The Criminal Investigation Division at this number.
+1-473-440 3921
You can remain anonymous.”
Noel-Schure also posted the reward information on her Instagram page from Tyler Perry along with this opening to the post:
"Rest in Power my beautiful JONTY. The love you were in this world is following you, my love. Today my friend @tylerperry is standing up for you. He is standing up with your mommy and me to find Justice for you. Thank you Tyler. You are an Angel on earth."
To date, no one has been held for Jonty’s murder nor has the police revealed any motive.