A week after news broke that out performer Todrick Hall has been ordered by the court to pay his landlords over $100,000 in back rent on a house he claimed he owned,the singer is hitting back at his critics.
Hall set his sights on reality TV podcaster @itsabigailadams who implored Big Brother castmates from hanging out with him.
Here's what she said:
He took to his own TikTok and Instagram to clap back at her comments.
“I really wish that people who have never met me would stop talking sh*t about me on the Internet,” Hall began.
“Like, the audacity that you would feel comfortable enough to post a video about a perfect stranger publicly to anybody who can see it to declare that this person you have never met or breathed the same air as is not a nice person, which is a pretty ballsy statement I might add, to increase your likes, your popularity and to start a witch hunt against this person who is a human being and has family and friends who see this f*cking bullsh*t that you post would, in some people’s opinions, make you not a nice person Ms. Thing.”
He added, “This may come as a newsflash to some of you people, but reality TV is far from real and you can’t judge a person’s moral and ethic compass based on a social experiment where they are pushed to their limits.”
“I don’t think that’s fair and I don’t think there’s anyone watching this who doesn’t have skeletons in their closet and who wouldn’t be ashamed of some of the things they might have said since the day they were born.”
Hall continued, “I have sat around for years and years and years and let people control my narrative online and said I don’t pay my dancers, that I lied about my house, that I’m a bad person, that I’m an evil monster and up until now I’ve kinda been like, ‘Nobody’s going to believe this,’ but at this point, I’m just not gonna let people like you paint my narrative.”
“At the end of the day, yes I’ve made mistakes,” Hall said. “I’ve owned up to that, I’m not a perfect human. But I’m not gonna sit around and let people tear me down.”
“I have fans too and up until now I have not unleashed my fans on anybody, but you’re about to find out exactly how my fans feel about you bullying me.”
Hall added that he would follow Adams and hoped to “have a mature adult discussion” with her.
“This is my real life, not a place for you to get clicks at my expense. If you’re actually seeking the truth we can speak to each other, I’ll give you my number and we can talk. I’m willing to make this right but me and my fans aren’t taking this sh*t anymore.”

Tommy Italiano, who used to work for Todrick has spoken out against the singer numerous times on social media, and has even made allegations against the singer saying he has two sexual harrassment lawsuits pending against him. Italiano has also said that he was attacked at a bar by two of Hall's fans.
Todrick comes off as entitled and pompous in the videos where he's asserting his side of the story. Personally speaking, if the cast of Big Brother wants to hang out with Todrick at his house, that's fine.
However if there are accusations going around about you where people have been saying that you don't pay your dancers, you're being sued by your own landlords for not paying rent on a house you claimed that you owned, (et's not forget how you were so nasty on Celebrity Big Brother that you avoided the press, but only spoke to ET) shouldn't you be addressing the accusations instead of deflecting your issues on a TikTocker?
I also find it laughable that Fraudrick believes he's Nicki Minaj and his fans are as ruthless as the Barbz when in the video he threatened to sic his fans on the TikTocker. Not addressing the accusations that are plaguing your reputation only makes you appear more guilty.
So based on the videos I've seen, I don't think you've owned up to anything you've been accused of.