Never one to bite his tongue, DL Hughley is giving his unfiltered thoughts on the downward spiral of Koonye West.
The comic and radio personality said that with Koonye's recent behavior where he continues to insult the intelligence of the black and Jewish community, as well as the family of George Floyd, Hughley says if Koonye were a woman he'd be in a conservatorship by now.
Here's what he said when speaking to TMZ:
“If Kanye West was a female, if he had a vagina, he would already be in a conservatorship,” he said.
“Ask Wendy Williams or Britney Spears. And they didn’t do half the erratic stuff he did,” he continued.”
He also stated that even though he's giving his opinion, it's not up to him to decide whether or not Koonye should be put into one.
I have to agree with DL. If a woman of Koonye's stature were spewing the same kind of vitriol you all would be calling for him to be put in a conservatorship.
I really wish Koonye would go off grid and get the help that he so desperately needs, and quite frankly I don't know who he could reach out to for help that doesn't want anything from him in return except for him to get well.