Now that his back is against the wall and he can't lie his way out of anymore allegations against him, Diddy wants everyone to know he’s “truly sorry” now that video footage of him assaulting Cassie at a hotel back in 2016 has leaked for the world to see.
The pathetic mogul took to Instagram to share an apology video.
He didn't say Cassie’s name directly, but he did say at the time he hit “rock bottom” when the assault took place and that he takes full responsibility for his actions, and is working on himself.
Meanwhile when Cassie filed her lawsuit (and he settled with her financially in less than 24 hours) he continued to deny any wrongdoing against her. release a fake ass apology to the public, who you can no longer lie to, but not to Cassie, who you were popping, dipping and spinning all over with that dingy ass towel in the video.
Sorry Diddles, but you can take that apology and shove it where the sun don't shine. Then again, based on all the rumors we've heard about you you'd probably like it way back there.
So you can apologize all you want. YOU ARE DONE!!!